Wednesday 28 April 2010

My Electronic Box of Tricks

After a period of about 4 years of not doing much electronic tinkering I decided at X-mas to get stuck in again. I wanted to get organised and I decided that to help me speed up the design process I needed to make myself an electronics box of tricks. It would comprise of a number of common electronic modules which could be easily linked together, such as timer modules, digital display drivers, barcode drivers, etc. This would allow me to experiment by linking boards together and would cut down the design time tremendously. This box of tricks is still a work in progress and the photo below shows my progress so far.

I used a thin piece of hardboard for the base and each electronic module is built on a rectangular piece of stripboard. These are fixed to the board using two small 4BA screws & nuts. The 4.5 volt battery supply is linked to each of the screws underneath the board and this means that the battery supply voltage is fed directly to each electronic module, one screw is positive and the other is negative. Modules can be connected together using link wire and there's also a breadboard in the centre to add more components if required. I hope you like the idea and I'll be talking more about each of the electronic modules in future blogs.